Ayşe Nur Tekin, who was born in 1996 in Denizli, graduated from the Turkish-German University Department of Political Science and Public Administration in 2020. She visited summer and winter schools in Bielefeld and Cologne University in Germany as part of her undergraduate education.
During her undergraduate education, she worked as an intern and office volunteer at Bahçeşehir University Government and Leadership School, Transparency International and Habitat Association.
She gained experience of working for a short time in the Habitat Association Socioeconomic Cohesion Program, which she started as an office volunteer, and worked as a Project Assistant in the projects of institutions such as UNHCR and UNWOMEN.
Since she is interested in socioeconomic cohesion, capacity building of individuals, migration and development, refugee entrepreneurship, she started her master degree in the Department of Migration Studies at Gaziantep University Migration Institute in October 2020.
Tekin, who started working at TÜRKONFED with the Resilient SMEs, Strong Tomorrows Project in January 2021, has been working as the Project Assistant of the I Can Manage My Business Project since September 2021.